New media usage among youth

Facts about emerging media use among young people

  • 66% of 8-18 year olds owned a mobile phone in 2009, compared to 39% in 2004.
  • 85%of 11-18 year olds owned a mobile phone in 2009, up from 56% in 2004. -- Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
  •  Internet users 18-49 are more likely to use Twitter than older adults.
  • African American and Latino youths are more than twice as likely to use Twitter than young white teens.
  • Urban residents are nearly twice as likely to use Twitter than rural dwellers.Source: Pew Internet and American Life Project
  • 41% of African-American and Latino teens from lower- income families used their cell phones to go online versus 27% of teens from families with incomes of more than $30,000 a year. 
  • 70% of African American and Latino teens from lower- income families had computers in their homes versus 90% of teens from families with incomes of more than $30,000 a year. Source: TechDailyNews